Friday, November 12, 2010


You: I heard it finally happened.
Me: It did? Wow. Are you sure?
You: It happened.
Me: I hate it when it happens. Everyone goes nuts. Do they know yet?
You: No, but it was really big. I am not even sure they know yet.
Me: Which them? The other “them” do not know yet?
You: No, but it did happen.
Me: I cannot deal with this. It is so huge and they do not even know about it yet.  I am not talking about it. Are you sure it happened?
You: It happened. Let them deal with it.
Me: Well it is about time but we all know how stressful it gets when it happens.
You: Yeah. But we have to deal with it, don’t we?
Me: No!!! I am not even talking, thinking about it.
You: I cannot handle this.
Me: Well why do you think I can handle it. Let them handle it. They did it.
You: Do you think they did it?
Me: Well if they did not, it must have been the other “them”. It is so big.
You: I hate it when it happens. Who all was involved?
Me: You knew about it!!!! I do not know anything.
You: Well I do not believe it.
Me: Never believe it, but I did hear it happened.
You: Wow.

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